Town Centres
Our town centres and high streets have taken a real pounding during the pandemic, and
they need our support as we emerge from it and recover.
Our vision is to place sustainability at the heart of local recovery, promoting a shop local
/ buy local culture, and supporting a more circular local economy as we move forward.
Below are some of our key pledges on town centres and the local economy, with more detail in our full manifesto:
We will improve our town centres, run Support Your High Street campaigns and create connected spaces for small businesses and communities.
We will work to stop the proliferation of pawnbrokers, pay day lenders and betting shops in our high streets and town centres.
We will support community festivals to celebrate our heritage and diversity, bid for London Borough of Culture with our Libraries central to a new Culture Strategy.
We will work with local businesses, Middlesex University and Barnet College to develop the skills needed in the green economy and build a local network of suppliers.
We will ensure town centre regeneration is supported by residents and local businesses, and any money spent provides lasting improvements.